
Does anyone know how to get rid of itchy red bumps caused by allergies without taking steroids?

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I am 19 years old and never had allergies before. I took Benadryl and used itch creams but the Benadryl lasts for only a few hours and the creams don't work I went to the doctor to have it checked out but he suggested taking steroids. As a female, I do not want my voice to be manly, have muscles and acne or whatever side effects it may cause.





  1. Steroids for allergies are WAY different than the steroids you're thinking of. I use a steroid cream on the skin condition I have. The steroids he's talking about are either the topical cream or a nasal spray, which are steroids as well and a  huge amount of antihistamines and anti-allergy medicines are made up of. Hah, don't worry he's not putting you on the illegal anabolic steroids. They are vastly different.

  2. I get these from the sun.  I know a person on holiday who also got them and took tablets and she was inside the whole holiday.  I put aloe vera gel on the bumps and they went down within the week.

    So that is what I use, they go and when they come back I restart the gel again.

    The bumps look like large insect bites.

    try it and maybe you won't need the steroids.  Short courses are quite good but prolonged do more damage.


  3. I assume you've tried anti-histamines.

    It's a common misconception that steroids will make you totally masculine, but this is because the steroids we hear about most are the type athletes take.

    A short course of steroids rarely has any side effects, but if there are side effects, they're more likely to be things like an increase in blood pressure or an increase of risk of infections. I don't think your voice will break or anything.

    I'd trust your doctor on this one, he probably knows what he's doing :) I hope you get everything sorted out.

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