
Does anyone know how to get sleepy fast? Cause i need to so i can get to bed early for school?

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Does anyone know how to get sleepy fast? Cause i need to so i can get to bed early for school?




  1. Smoke some weed!

  2. take (nighttime) melatonin it makes you fall asleep

  3. *Don't eat right before you go to bed.

    *Do something physical. Do some jumping jacks, go for a jog, walk around the neighborhood, anything that will tire you out a little bit.

    *Take a warm shower before climbing into bed. The warm water will slow down your sympathetic nervous system and make you feel sleepy.

    *Go to bed around the same time every night. I know it sounds childish to set a bedtime, but your body will get into a routine and eventually you will start feeling sleepy around the same time every night.  

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