
Does anyone know how to get thin thighs?!?

by Guest56929  |  earlier

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im a 13 yr old girl. and i hate how my thighs hit eachother when i put my feet sholder lenght apart. and they look fat in jeans. so how do i get thinner thighs fast?!!




  1. I followed this link that has helped me especially eating only what my body needs, we tend to overload our system when we overeat and therefore with not increasing our metabolism it turns to fat .. I understand your situation with the thighs as I sit down at a desk and it was a challenge but with following the information here and giving it time you can lose the thighs

  2. Just exercise regularly, but don't overdo it because that can be bad for you. Mainly do exercises that involve leg work such as walking and bike related activities. They are all very easy to do so you should be able to get the thighs you want if you do them regularly =)

    Good luck ^^

  3. i would say swimming laps

  4. Try this:

    Ankle leg standing leg adduction

    This is another difficult one, and needs the help of an ankle weight. The starting position is like this: with the ankle weight on the left ankle, a person should stand straight with all the weight on the right leg. The movement consists in moving the left leg past the right leg, making the inner thigh muscles work. Finally, to complete the exercise the left leg should return to the starting position stopping when it is in front of the right leg. Between 15 and 20 repetitions a day are fine for a person who wishes to obtain thinner thighs.

    Good Luck!

  5. yea watever "flyguy"

    but anyways to burn the fat u need to do cardio such as running. and to build or tone muscles work out ur legs.

  6. Don't worry about your body image!  You are still growing and your body is still changing as you develop into a young woman.  

    All you can do is eat a good diet and get regular physical activity like bike riding, swimming, participating in a team sport and walking to and from school if it is safe.

    Cover the mirror and live life.

  7. RUN!!!

  8. Look at the marathon runners and follow them.

  9. wish i had thin thighs but im not sure, i guess do walking

  10. squats!

    Get 20 cards (deck of cards) bend down put one on the floor at a time get up go back down put another card down till they are alll on the floor then squat and pick them up one by one! Each dayy

  11. exersize!

    some good ones for thighs are

    1) lay on ur back and lift your leg up and down 20 times then switch

    2) squats, stand with your legs shoulder width apart and bend ur knees as far as comfortable then come back up. repeat this 20 times. if you dont feel anything then go down farther, they are called "squats"

    3) lay on your side with your arm holding you up. so ur arm makes an L. left your leg up and down 20 times. then switch.

    if you do this about 3 times a week you should start to see some changes.

    good luck!

  12. We may sound like broken records, but a good diet and regular aerobic exercises are great to get you toner, but your body is constantly growing and changing, especially in your adolescent years. Drink lots of milk-3 cups of dairy a day- will help your bones.

    A thigh exercise I like to do uses a Resitance band- you can find one in any sporting goods store, or a fitness department of a supermarket. You can find simple excercises you can do with them that come with the band.

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