
Does anyone know how to get your mom's boyfriend out of the house?

by  |  earlier

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I tried talking to her. It doesnt work.

Any horrible things i can do to him to get him out?

I wanna be as mean as possible.




  1. i have had the same problem for almost 6 years hun. The guy doesnt do **** he doesnt work he does NOTHING, he just lays around and eats everyones food,  smoke in the house, make babies, put everyone down... Ive told my mom a zillion time i dont like him, but she insist on allowing him to live off of my dads child support money!!! he is a ***** *** *****  >=[ i cant stand him!!!!

    i think that there is nothing you can do to get him out, all you can do to get away from him is move out. >=[ annoying isnt it.  

  2. Well, why exactly do you want him out of the house? And, if you're horrible, it may just make your mom get mad at you. You just need to keep telling your mom that you want him to leave. Is there someone else you can live with (dad, grandparents, etc) if your mom continues to let her bf live there? I really wouldn't do the mean thing though, as it may just p**s your mom off.

  3. The only one to get him out is your mom. Any "horrible: things you do to him will just force your mom to make a choice between you and him and she just might pick him. Your mother's house, she can have anyone there she wants. As a kid, there is little to nothing you can do. Sorry. I'm a teacher and my kids come to me a  lot about mom's boyfriends and how they get drunk, and slap their mom around. As long a she wants him there he stays.

  4. Ok, you never heard this from me.... go look at his underwear, buy the same kind, 2 sizes smaller, throw his own away. Put shoestings that are too short in his shoes.

    Put hemorrhoidal tissue cream , comes in a toothpast like tube, on the sink, and throw his toothpaste away.

    buy him the same shoes, two sizes too big, throw away his own.

    hide his favorite drinking glasses.

    put glue in his hair brush, let it dry a bit, set it back where you found it.

    put salt in the sugar container.

    Put shampoo in his soap bottle

    put water with red food coloring into his shampoo bottle

    ummmm, gosh, what else???

  5. expose his p**n collection...and if he doesn't have one then stash some where your mom will find it...

  6. set him up, make it look like he's cheating.

  7. sorry cant help you...if your mom loves this guy then why try to make her hurt??

    shes your mother dont you want her to b happy...

  8. why is it that you want him out???......

    but ive had this problem before, only because i feel that no one my mom has ever dated has been worth her time...

    if thats the case just be a complete *****.

    throw rude....lash out at him

    blah blah could take a while but you're her kid

    so if he wants to be near her that means being around you also

    so just make it as difficult as possible to be near you and her at the same time too.....

    thats what me and my sisters have done in the past and it works!!!

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