
Does anyone know how to improve diving skills?!?

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i am a diver [as in flips and stuff- not scuba diver] and i am a 15 year old girl. i really want to figure out how to improve my diving skills. i have 2 hour practices 4 days a week. i try really hard but i am not very good [i can only do the simple stuff] any ideas?? don't tell me to stop bc i am not good... i love doing it but i need help!




  1. Ask your coach. She would be able to answer best based don your current performance. You can also look into other sports like gymnastics, tumbling, yoga and ballet to help you lengthen and gain flexibility and grace.

    Good luck!

  2. If you are doing this on your own,you might set up a video camera and tape your dives to see what you are doing wrong and right. Or have someone tape your dives.

    If your parents can afford it,you might look into gymnastics to learn how to do more complicated maneuvers.

  3. Try Working On Your Diving Skills.

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