
Does anyone know how to interpret dreams?

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For the past few years I've had reoccuring dreams. One is of tornadoes; I'm always sucked in one, watching one, or running away from one. The other dream is of plane crashes. I'm always a few feet away from one when it crashes very close to me.




  1. I have also had reoccuring dreams. You have to know it is a dream within your dream.

    Once you do this anything can happen but you ignore it and then your dream will change.

    That is where you then have control in your dreams rather than you dreams controlling you. Takes practice. But I have done this several times.

  2. I actually had an assignment from school about this kinda stuff...

    just google dream interpretations, find a website, and type in a one word thing, like tornadoes. now, many sites will give dif. answers, but trust me, you'll know when the right answer was given, because you can relate it to your life.

  3. Dreams are very personal. First you must ask your self what the symbols in your dream means to you.

    Example: What does a tornado mean to you. Think about what you said, You are always sucked in to one. Hmm.  Watching one. Running away from one. Put it all together in your mind and meditate on it.  Do you feel like you are being sucked in to things you would rather not do? Are you watching for it so you can run away from it?

    As far as the plane is concerned ask yourself if you get sucked into something are you worried about it crashing and you being too close for comfort?

    This may not be true for you, but if you concentrate on the symbols you will realize what the dreams means to you. Once you get the meaning they will probably go away. They are only trying to get your attention

  4. To see a tornado in your dream, suggests that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive?

    To dream that you are in a tornado, signifies that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You will be met with a series of disappointments for the next week or so. Your plans will be filled with complications.

    To see several tornadoes in your dream, represent people around you who are prone to violent outbursts and shifting mood swings. It may also symbolize a volatile situation or relationship.

    To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified

    hOpe that helped.

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