
Does anyone know how to keep cockroaches away from the front door without harmful pesticides?

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Does anyone know how to keep cockroaches away from the front door without harmful pesticides?




  1. i dont know.

    you can use pesticieds that are water based.

  2. Natural Pest Control In The Home

    Natural pest control, also known as integrated pest management, aims to use the least toxic methods to repel, control and eliminate pests.  It includes; monitoring the pest population, identifying the behaviour and homes of the pests, modifying habitats, repairing and installing structural barriers, removing food sources through improved inside and outside sanitation, and applying the least toxic approach to getting rid of the pest.


        * Observe where the ants are coming from and block their entrance, gap filler or duct tape work well, use soapy water to kill the ants and wipe out their trails.

        * To repel use drops of orange essential oil, a line of cinnamon powder or mix it with water and squirt into gaps, scatter leaves of pennyroyal, spearmint, or slices of cucumber.  Pour left over tea leaves on pot plants.

        * To repel rub a cut lemon over ant tracks, or wherever ants are a problem.

        * To kill mix 3 cups water and 1 cup sugar with 4 teaspoons of borax, place in dishes along ant trails, refresh every couple of days. * NOTE: Borax is a natural occurring mineral salt BUT is poisonous when swallowed, not recommended for use in homes with children and / or pets.


        * Screen windows and doors, seal up cracks and crevices and don’t leave food scraps lying around.  Ensure all cupboards and other dark places are thoroughly dry.

        * To repel wipe benches, floors, shelves, cupboards, drawers, bin, etc with a mixture of 100ml water to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil.  Wipe straight eucalyptus oil around drain holes and external door frames.

        * Place cucumber peelings and / or bay leaves in cupboards where cockroaches are a problem. Replace when dried out.

        * Cockroach traps.  Grease the rim and top 2 cm of a container (round margarine containers work well), with bacon fat or butter / margarine.

        * Place a banana peel or bacon scraps inside and leave overnight in an infested area.  Coackroaches will crawl in but can’t get out because of the grease.

        * Soak a rag in beer and place in a shallow dish overnight in an infested area.  In the morning you can dispose of the drunken cockroaches and silverfish

        * Cockroach baits. Mix together equal parts of borax (*see note on borax) and sugar and place in lids wherever cockroaches are a problem, will last up to 1 year.

        * Mix 2/3 cup of mashed potato (boil potato in water and mash in its own juice) with 1/3 cup of baking powder, roll into marble sized balls and place in cupboards.  Cockroaches will eat the balls and gas will build up in their guts from the baking powder / potato mix.  Because cockroaches can’t burp, their stomachs explode and they die.

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