
Does anyone know how to keep deer from eating your garden? Please help!?

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Does anyone know how to keep deer from eating your garden? Please help!?




  1. Deer are clever and determined.

    Have a dog? Can you place the dog somewhere where it can see and bark at marauding deer? That's pretty effective.

    If you don't have a dog, a good old fashioned scarecrow might work. Make sure it has loose floppy clothing that moves in the breeze.

  2. Grind up some eggs, shells and all, deers HATE the odor, it's safe and cheap.  Spread it all around on the plants.  Commercial deer repellant is made from egg shells.

  3. I have heard that coyote urine sprayed around the garden will keep deer away.  Cannot confirm.  I know that a 6 foot fence will keep them out.

  4. dogs - deers natural enemy...and a 30-06 would help in the fall!!

  5. Most things you try will work for a little while. In the long run, they don't. They are VERY adaptable creatures. Scents, soaps, hair, wind noise pans etc etc will only deter until they figure out they won't get hurt..An expensive fence is the only true  way. A dog will work also.

            Try a motion detecting light OR a motion detecting water squirter. ..You could try soaking a some hot pepper flakes in a gallon of water and making a spray out of it. Doesn't hurt the plants but it can't be "tasty" for the deer.

           This is NOT an easy thing to do. A high fence is the only guarantee.

  6. Hello---I've had good luck so far with Liquid Fence.  Also,

    we've tried to plant only trees, shrubs etc., which the deer don't favor.  It seems to be working for us. (so far).  I've been told though that a bad winter when the deer don't have good food supply can reverse all your hard work.  Good luck with your garden.

  7. well if garden isnt to big I put bird netting  from agway it comes in all size from narrow to big square and it lasts years also keeps all other animals out just lift it up every couple days to keep things from growing through. ive heard human hair from barber or save your urine but thats discusting and wont last as long it seems dear dont like to walk on netting either cuz it snags and scares them

  8. Go to a local barbershop or hair salon and ask for the hair clippings. Sprinkle around the outside perimeters of the garden. They do not like the human scent. My husband owns a hair salon and has people ask for clippings for this reason.

  9. a rifle.

  10. irish spring soap around the garden

  11. In general, plants that are succulent (have a high water content) with a soft texture tend to be highly favored by deer. Some of the plants deer like to eat are alfalfa, American arborvitae, apple, atlantic white cedar, balsam fir, blackberry brier, beech, catawba rhododendron, clematis, clover, cranberry, eastern redbud, English ivy, English yew, european mountain ash, fraser fir, gaillardia, golden rain tree, hickory, hosta, Japanese Yew, Norway maple, pumpkins, sweet peas, sweet corn, winged euoymus, winter creeper, acorns (especially from White Oaks), and corn. So if you don't want to attract deer, try not to include these plants in your garden. If you do grow a vegetable garden, put it as far away from your ornamentals as possible.

    Deer are repelled by plants that tend to have strong aromas or tastes, or they have imposing physical barriers, such as THORNS. Deer don't like asparagus, barberry, bearberry, blueberry elder, broad beans, cedar, chives, coriander, daffodils, date palm, dusty miller, edible fig, fennel, ferns, garlic, garlic chives, globe artichoke, hellebore, hemlocks, hydrangeas, ivies (except English ivy), jerusalem artichoke, junipers, lilac, leek, marjoram, myrtle, pawpaw, persimmon, onion, oregano, Oregon grape varieties, parsley, pomegranate, poppies, pines, potato, prickly pear, red elderberry, rhubarb, rock cress, rosemary, rowan, russian olive, sage, salal, squash, sweet basil, tarragon, thyme, yarrows, yukka, walnut, willows, zinnias.

    Here are some Planting Techniques:

    Plant small, vulnerable plants among and under plants that are either deer-resistant or actually DETER deer.

    Use plants that have strong scents that deer don't like to mask and protect ones that they DO like.

    Physical Barriers and Techniques

    Remove Browse - cut the lower branches that are within reach of deer off your trees. This makes them unattractive as a food source.

    Remove Fruit and Nuts (including acorns!) from the ground in your yard.

    Build a Fence to physically block deer. Remember that deer can jump high, so a 10-12 foot fence may be necessary to stop determined deer. Deer will not jump over an obstacle if they can't see what's on the other side. A high fence that cannot be seen through, possibly combined with vegetation that deer do not like could prove very effective. Unfortunately, fences - especially ones that are effective for blocking deer - are rather expensive.

    Motion Sensor Lights, Speakers, and Motion Sensor 'Water Cannons' (scarecrows) can be very effective. The lights are fairly inexpensive (~ $15) but take some labor to install, while the 'water cannons' cost more money (upwards of $100 each) and require some degree of installation.

    The lights and speakers will lose their effectiveness over time if they are not accompanied with other consequences. In other words, once it becomes apparent to the deer that there is no danger, they will tend to ignore these devices.

    Hang Shiny Metal Objects, Wind Chimes, and Bright Ribbons along the perimeter of your yard so that they can flutter in the wind. Shiny, flashy, noisy do-dads tend to confuse (worry?) deer. They won't stick around where they feel uncomfortable or distracted. These items tend to distract deer, upsetting one of their top natural defense mechanism - alertness.

    Other Natural Repellents

    Large Dog(s) in your yard are a very effective deterrent for marauding deer. Be sure to fence you dog in, provide a long leash, or use an 'electronic fence' to keep your dog where he belongs.

    Predator Urine and f***s (eg. wolf, coyote, cougar, bobcat, lynx) can be used as an effective barrier. It should be applied as a perimeter defense (away from your garden). It must be replenished from time to time, and after it rains. Adult human male urine has also been reported to be very effective. So have hubby mark the perimeters of your territory regularly, just as the wild animals do.

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