
Does anyone know how to kill that friggin monster in the wii edition of resident evil 4?

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the one with one eye, large jaws, tentacles and the monster inside its back that you also have to kill? (that always says, "that tickles" & "I want you to suffer like Ashley did")

Cos if my other half doesn't work it out soon, I'm gonna kill him!




  1. Ermmmmmmm

    Did I invite you here?? I am Lady of this manor :))

    No i dont know how to kill it, sorry. I'm never gonna get an orange badge in this section!

  2. He's a bit of an annoyance.

    First, before the battle starts, go to the nearest merchant, and buy a Rocket Launcher. It's big & it's expensive, but if you want the job done, splurge.

    Next, once the fight starts, go immediately to one of the edges of the stage. Try not to fall below, there arer monsters down there as well (However, if you need any supplies, like ammo or First Aid Spray, you can find soem down there. Just be prepared to kill some things as well.).

    Onceyou're there, start shooting at the monster's one big eye. Keep at it untill the second monster pops out. Then, pull out the Rocket Launcher, and shoot that second monster, It can be a little hard to get the timing down, but once you do it, you'll be glad you splurged on the rocket launcher.

    And BTW, if you play through this boss again, with all your maxed-out weapons, this can be done with just a TMP, a Broken Butterfly, and a few really good shots.

  3. I was stuck on that for about 6 months, you gotta keep shooting him in the eye then when he opens up his top bit shoot the little fella inside.

    Just tell him 'until you've kill that one eyed monster I won't be paying any attention to yours!' he'll soon solve it.

  4. hahaha lol the one with the chain saw that chops your head off im sorry to say you can't beat him jyou just have to run away from him  

  5. Ooooh you've made it over to the new CE, how did you manage that???

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