
Does anyone know how to make a Frapuccino or Iced Coffee at home?

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Does anyone know how to make these at home. I love them but they get a little expensive.




  1. I make a full pot of coffee extra strong, when it is done i pour it into a pitcher full of ice, it cools really quick, i then take out the ice cubes that havent malted. i then add hal and half, and then carmel syrup stir well pour into a tall glass with ice and enjoy

  2. I make them on occasion. What I found is to add more sweetener to them and make the coffee a little stronger. Just brew some coffee, add some ice cubes, sugar, and liquid creamer or half & half. You can then either leave it as is or put in a blender.  Experiement with different flavors, etc. It certainly does cost less to make your own, plus they will be much lower in fat than those at the coffee house.

  3. Simple. Forget all the brewing rubbish, put a good teaspoon of coffee in a jug with at least 2 tsp sugar. add just under half a glass of water top rest up with full fat milk and blitz in a blender, pour over ice or bash some ice up and pour over.

  4. Oh most definately.

    Strong Espresso ( straight from the Machine )

    left to cool somewhat or put in the fridge.

    Put as much as you like in a blender, ice, raw sugar, ( white sugar is too sweet ) vanilla ice cream, full fat milk MMMmmmmmmmm  mix until fluffy and enjoy.

    Oh ok, skim milk if you must  lol !!

    Delicious  !!!

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