
Does anyone know how to make a boat for a kindergarten kid at school that can be done in like 1 to 2 days?

by  |  earlier

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please answer a.s.a.p.

the boat doesnt have to be made out of fancy stuff. just like things u can get at the store.

they're gonna have a race with them on friday so it cant be that heavy. but not that light. they're supposed to be able to blow on them to make them be able to move.




  1. Take the styrofoam tray from a small package of hamburger meat, you'll want to clean it before you use it for a boat, dish detergent and hot water will usually do.

    For a powered boat, cut a square out of one of the ends of this rectangle of foam.  Using a rubber band, you can turn the piece you cut out into a propeller.

    For a sail powered boat, I'd use the same platform, obviously divulged of the hamburger and cleaned, a block of styrofoam from any shaped box packing, glued to this will make an excellent mount for a mast made with chopsticks, string, some patience, and about any material you want to make a sail out of.

    If nothing else, you'll have had an excuse to make some good burgers at home and had chinese for lunch.


  2. PBS have one activity made from tinfoil that was fun to do with my kids and didn't take that long or you could always just use plain old paper - an origami boat!

  3. a quart container of milk cut in half length-ways, maybe with a touch of weight in the bottom for stability.  You could even rig a sail with some wooden BBQ skewers and a cut up plastic bag.

  4. Molded Styrofoam, like electronics and other equipment is packaged in is a good choice.    You can cut the hull with a knife or hacksaw blade and shape it with coarse file or sandpaper if you really want to get fancy.  

    It might need a rudder at the back to help keep it pointed straight ahead.   If you put a sail or spinnaker on it, be sure and place it near the front, or at least forward of the halfway point.

  5. I would go with the cardboard and maybe use Ducktape.

    Could make a sail from a thin cloth and a Popsicle stick.

    Then your child can join the Ducktape Club and tell the story of the boat.

  6. Many States have Cardboard Boat Races in the summer. They fun to watch. Some boats do not float, but, everyone has a good time.

    The link help you learn. I did a search for "Cardboard boat races"

    Many others you can find will list materials allowed for that particular State/Event.

    I guess I should say, you can scale these down to the size you want and not for people. ;-)

    You look familiar, have we met somewhere before. LOL!

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