
Does anyone know how to make a milk shake ?

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without using fruits?




  1. no ice cream ?? you might as well drink chocolate milk !

  2. You could always crush ice in your blender and add milk and chocolate syrup or milk, honey, and a little vanilla extract.

    It will set up like a shake, but not be so fatty.  You might also add a tablespoon or two of nonfat dry milk powder.

    Good luck!  :)

    p.s.  Or my son (age 7) says, shake a cow!  ha!  :)

  3. Ice cream, vanilla, whatever flavor syrup you want (I prefer chocolate, and lots), a small amount of milk to allow it to "mix".  Use a blender or a hand mixer with only one beater attached, it works like a milkshake machine.  You can also use other flavorings but syrups work best to keep it thick.

  4. With ice cream & milk (or cream). Mit it in a blender. If you don't have a blender, you can always mix it by hand.

  5. Ice Cream or frozen yogurt, a little milk to thin it out and chocolate syrup or a little vanilla.  Whir it up in a blender and enjoy!

  6. you can use corn flakes with milk o ice cream and liquefy for 1 minute.

  7. My favorite shake/malt recipe is:

    One pack of chocolate malt instant breakfast

    Vanilla ice cream

    One banana

    Peanut butter

    A little milk.

    Blend and enjoy

  8. Ingredients

    2 cups milk

    1/8 cup baking cocoa powder (use a little more or less, depending on your taste) or 1/4-1/2 cup powdered chocolate milk mix (Nestles Quick, Ovaltine, etc)

    1/2 cup sugar (or to taste)

    1/8 cup non-dairy powdered coffee creamer

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    12 full size ice cubes (from ice cube tray, if using small ice cubes, double)


    1Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high until there are no chunks of ice left. ** but make sure you're using ONE OR THE OTHER of either cocoa powder OR chocolate milk mix, NOT BOTH.

    2(My blender makes a grumbling sound and then the sound changes when there are no more ice chunks.)** You can change this recipe so many ways to create your own-- add an 1/8 tsp of peppermint extract for a chocolate mint milkshake.

    3--Add some coffee or 1/2 teaspoon instant espresso powder to make a "Mocha" flavor.

    4--Omit the chocolate and powdered coffee creamer altogether to make vanilla.

    5--With a vanilla base, add any kind of berries-- or replace the milk with 1-1/2 cups orange juice & 1/2 cup water to make the best orange julius just like you get in the mall!

    6(I don't advise using milk and orange juice together as the acid in the juice will curdle the milk in your stomach!) Play with the amount of sugar, cocoa, etc to create the best taste for you and your family.

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