
Does anyone know how to make a peace and quiet place all for me. I don't have wood or anything to build a.....

by  |  earlier

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club with so it can't be a clubhouse. I'm only 11 but sometimes i want to get away for a while. like when i get mad at my family.

And i share a room so it can't be a my room. we don't have an atic so it can't be an attic either. I'm not aloud to make a mess in the house so i can't build a living room tent. And i'm not aloud to take any blankets outside so i can't do that.

I know that i can't do much but maybe you can help.






  1. When I was 11 I used to escape to the dog house we had, our German Shepard was my best pal.  What about downstairs? Like under the stairs.  Just a thought.

    What ever you do though make sure you DO NOT hide where you could become trapped, or no where no-one could hear you if you had to get their attention.

    I made my kids (12 and 10 yo) a club house using two huge boxes, from an appliance store.

    I can understand your family getting you upset, but remember they love you!!!

  2. Do you have access to a tarp that you can hook up to a fence or tree?

    A place where you can go for a walk?  Visit a friend?  Dog house?  A basement?

  3. I remember how it was sort of cozy and quiet when I was under the bed, lying on a little rug or blanket. If there wasn't enough light to read, I'd bring a flashlight.

    It was good, as long as no one started jumping on the bed.

  4. When I was little and I wanted to get away, I didn't have time to think about a tent or a clubhouse, I just needed to be alone, NOW!

    So I went where my dog liked to go.  He went under the porch, and sometimes he would go under the neighbor's porch which was real good when I did not want to be found but I could keep an eye on the house.

    In the winter, I found out that if I was up in the attic( which you don't have, I could get behind the wall if I cut a hole behind a desk, and no one knew where I went.

    In your case since you don't have an attic; most houses that don't have an attic; do have a small storage area in the roof which is usually reached by an entry usually situated in the ceiling of the master(your parents) bedroom closet.

    Go look there and if you see a panel, climb up and push up on it.  It should be loose and you can go up in there( if you dare).

    At least you are aloud to use a computer so email me if you want.


  5. Ask if you can put up a "wall" dividing your room, or go outside and be alone for a walk or hike...just be safe and happy. Good luck!

  6. buy a tent and set it up outside in your yard or something

  7. The walking advice is good.  Maybe walk to the library and explore the collection of books.  Walking for relaxation, and reading for keeping the mind busy.

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