
Does anyone know how to make money from Roulette ?

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Could anyone share with us some strategy or some formula or whatever successfull way to increase the chances for making money out of a roulette game .




  1. Just reading an article:

    Play a single "0" wheel, and use bets whose odds are closest to their payouts (red/black, odd/even).

  2. Not play and put the money back in your wallet.

  3. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, "The only way to beat Roulette is to steal the money when the dealer's not looking." His point was that there is no way to employ some mathematical configuration of bets to overcome the house edge.

  4. Nope.

    The only one on your side in this game is luck.. it could be good and it could be bad, that's why it's called gambling

  5. The house edge is exactly the same on every bet on the roulette table. Betting red and black is no better than betting the number 23 every spin. No strategy will increase your chances of winning, and anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot or a liar.

    The only way to consistently win at the roulette wheel is to buy a roulette wheel and be the dealer.

  6. Just to correct a previous answer, all the bets on a roulette table have EXACTLY the same house edge. just the payoffs are different, like $18 on red, a $1 straight up on all the red #'s (total of $18) BOTH PAY THE SAME!

    It is true that a single 0 wheel is better then a Double 00 wheel, it cuts the house edge in half!

  7. Email me so I can send you a very good system. Don't worry, no fees charged. Just want to share. You can test it anytime you feel like in doubt.

  8. There was actually a documentary aired on cable about a Spanish man and his family that figured out a winning system.  The system is premised on the fact that the roulette wheel is not in perfect symmetry. Close, but not perfect.  That being the case, certain numbers will tend to hit on a particular wheel more than others thereby providing the player with a statistical improvement on the odds.  They had to watch the wheel covertly  until they had recorded the wheels history over several thousand spins.  Aside from this system, simply avoid playing wheels with 00 and 0.  Some only have the 0.  Also make sure not to put one chip to cover 2 numbers.  Make two separate bets.  Payoff on former is 17 versus 35.  You get a slightly better payoff betting on a single number.

  9. I hate to disagree with most of the answerers, but I do. I have played roulette for over 20 years and, although my success started a pure luck, I believe there are circumstances that lend well to a system that can turn a good profit quickly.

    As with most successful systems, it takes patience, practice, discipline, a nice bankroll, time and (of course) a little luck.

    The thing most people don't understand about roulette is that it is not as random as it looks. A good dealer can hit a number, or at least make it close most of the time. Safeguards are put in so players cannot take advantage of these things, but the dealers get lazy and bored and they slip up. It is completely feasible to walk up to a table hit two of four, or three of five rolls and moving on without anybody thinking anything about it.

    The first key is to know the game-- Know, first, the wheel and then the table. You need to know every number's position-- frontwards and backward. For example, you, specifically, need to know what number is 12 spaces to the  right (clockwise) of 13-black and the 2-3 numbers directly to the right and left of that number, and where those numbers are on the table to get your bets down. You need to know this quick-- within 5-10 seconds and, most importantly, you need to look like you are not doing it. More on this later.

    Once you know that wheel, grab a piece of paper and a pencil. Go to your local casino and sit at the bar where you can see the roulette table. Look at the board that they post all the rolled numbers and jot them down. As you look at the numbers picture where they are on the wheel. Look at the progression.

    You may see that one number is 8 to the left of the one before it and it was 7 to the left of the one before it and it was 10 to the left of the one before it. It may not happen all the time, but it will happen eventually.

    See-- what happens is: the dealer gets in a groove. The wheel continues to spin at, basically, the same speed. The dealer grabs the ball and habitually spins it the same way (the same timing and same speed) over and aver again. Now there are things that throw him out of sinc from time to time but, especially at the end of a shift, if they are good and consistent, they often fall into this groove.

    Your object is to find it and jump on it. If a dealer is rolling numbers 7-10 to the left of the previous number 3 out of four times, put a 5-dollar check on the numbers 6-11 left for a roll or two. If you hit, keep on going. If you miss--bail.

    You may have to wait a while for the dealer to hit the groove. That is why it is important to have a decent bankroll and a lot of patience. Just bet the min until you find it. It also helps if the table is crowded and others are winning because then all of the attention is not focused on you.

    It's not foolproof, but they wouldn't call it gambling if it was. It has worked for me and it seems so simple when you really think about it. I wish you success

  10. I agree there is NO way to Mathematically changed the house edge...however I do agree with see the dealers get in a groove....I watch for them closely...and they get in a groove of spinning the ball and it landing in the same spot on the wheel for 5 or more spins....not the same EXACT spot...but a place of say 1 to 8 spots next to each other on the wheel....

  11. How to make 1 million dollars playing Roulette?

    Start with 2 million dollars!

  12. Roulette has been around for over 100 years.  Do you really imagine casinos would still offer the game if a system existed to defeat it?

    The house edge on roulette in America is 5.26%.  There is no way of betting that will reduce this edge.

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