
Does anyone know how to partially hide your music player on myspace, i dont want my history to be viewed?

by Guest58173  |  earlier

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Does anyone know how to partially hide your music player on myspace, i dont want my history to be viewed?




  1. You will get the most options here:


    [size player]

    You can choose the size you want and see the results.

    You want to change the value for width.

    Then to avoid that "chopped off" look, that is left by other solutions, you can choose

    [add border]

    You can even color or skin the player, while you are there.

    Of the above answers, most of them won't even work.  They are designed to hide the entire player.

    One of them will work (at least the 2nd half of his answer) but leave you with the "chopped off" look.


  3. this hides your song:


    .notes {hide myspace miniplayer:"";}

    embed, object {filter:alpha(opacity=0.1); opacity:0.01; -khtml-opacity:0.01;}

    .notes {unhide other embeds including video slider}

    td td td td embed, td td td object,

    td.text embed, td.text object {filter:none; opacity:none; -khtml-opacity:none;}

    .interestsAndDetails {margin-top:-90px;}


    if you adjust the height or width or whatever it will soon hide your history, so heres the code:


    .notes {mini player button only:"";}

    embed, object {display:block; width:45px; height:55px;}

    .notes {resize other embeds in your profile:"";}

    td.text embed, td.text object,

    td td td embed, td td td object {width:320px; height:240px;}


  4. <style>embed, object {width:0px; height:0px;} table table table embed, table table table object {width:320px; height:240px;} </style>

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