
Does anyone know how to pull a string in through your mouth and make it come out your nose? Please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I really need help! thanks to anyone that knows. =]




  1. Do you have anything better to do.

  2. The trick is to tie the string to a bead and force it up through your nose.  It will come down the back of your throat, and you can snag it with a straightened paper clip.  This  trick is called "nasal flossing", and I do it every day to keep my sinuses clear.

  3. The easiest way is to practice a few times using a power drill to feed it through, the spinning motion will create a sort of whipping effect which will make it far easier to breath and get it caught.

  4. you gotta make it enter your sinus cavity, i dont suggest you try it can really mess you up and even cause death if you end up choking on it. dont do it.

  5. You have to supress your gag reflex and work it through your sinuses.

  6. I suppose if I really had to I could figure out a way, but why the h**l would you (or anyone else) want to do such a thing?  

  7. You get a job and stop wasting your points and my time.

  8. is that even possible? I think it needs to be a bit thinker than string like spaghetti- you can suck spaghetti up your nose and pull it out of your throat.

  9. Yeah try putting hot sauce on the string before you do it it will make it easier to do. Put it in your nose first.

  10. OMG !!! That's crazy. Are you just curious or are you really trying to do that?

  11. It's easier to go the other way around.  

    Snort it really hard through your nose while holding onto the end of it, and spit it out through your mouth.  

    (Gawd... Why do I know that???)

  12. Have you ever been eating something and coughed or sneezed, then it came out your nose? (most likely a liquid)

    Same concept.

  13. wow no who do i look like 2 u

  14. All you need is to not possess a brain to get in the way. You shouldn't have a problem.

  15. I've never ever said this before, but I believe the situation calls for it: thats THE dumbest idea I've ever heard. And communism is pretty hard to top.

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