
Does anyone know how to remove animal urine stain from polished timber flooring. It's been there a while.

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It was hidden under a mat. I have tried Bam and I have tried vinegar and a scrubbing brush. The stain in black and looks as though it is ingrained in the timber now. It is right at our front door and we are selling soon so I need to remove it! Help me please?




  1. Try some vinegar with a little bit of baking soda it will fizz up but the chemical reaction should help to remove some of the staining and the baking soda in an abrasive so that should help to lift it you add elbow grease

  2. You can't. The only solutions are to sand the whole floor and restain a darker shade, or replace the boards and then sand and restain.

  3. Good luck. I just refinished my hardwood, sanded 1/16 to 1/8 inch off and stain is still there.

  4. use human urine to counter-act the animal urine and lift the stain.

  5. I know this is  hard thing to remove.

    Using a light sandpaper, sand the area a little,  cut up a lemon and squeeze it into the wood, leave for a few minutes then rub clean with an almost dry sponge, you may need to repeat the rubbing with a lemon rind.  Lemon juice will help bleach the stain lighter.

    otherwise - if this does not work, go to a flooring shop near you and ask their advice with this problem.  

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