
Does anyone know how to remove moles from the garden with out killing them?

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Does anyone know how to remove moles from the garden with out killing them?




  1. I had moles last year and they destroyed my new lawn I was furious and when I  finally trapped them I buried the buggers  alive, that'l teach 'em

  2. yes you can buy little things that you put in the tunnels th moles have made by digging down a bit into the mole hill, they make a noise which drives the mole elsewhere

    please dont kill them as they only make mole hills which spils the look of the grass,they dont really do any harm.

    i have heard of people putting the musical thing from inside musical cards down into the tunnels that too drives them away

    goood luck

  3. if you catch one you must bury it alive

  4. We had a mole infestation and we bought something from our garden centre. it is an electronic device (battery operated) - you just stick the prong into the earth and it makes some sort of vibration that apparently is a warning sign to moles or something. Our garden is only 90 feet x 90 feet, it worked well, and quickly, for us but i dont know how big a garden one unit covers.

    From memory i think we paid 18 or 19 pounds for this thing.

  5. yes get a box make sure it has air holes coax them out but them in box and drive them to a countryside and let em go

  6. You should be able to buy some thing from an hard ware store that keeps them out without killing them dont know how expensive it will be though......

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