
Does anyone know how to search for children?

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The children I'm searching for have been adopted and i would just like to know where their located. I'm having trouble since they have never had phones or homes in their names.I don't know of any other sites besides people and I'm just not having any luck with that. Please help if you can...they are my nieces and nephwes and like I said before, I just want to know where their located and if their together. Of couse it would be nice to brose yearbooks and see current pictures. thanks!




  1. Two factors will play into this.....were they taken by the state and adopted out?  Are they still minors?  If the answer is yes to either of these, chances are you might never know what became of them unless they begin searching for their mother.  If the children were taken by the state, the caseworkers involved will stonewall you because they think the children are better off never knowing of their family.  If they are still minors....well, if you locate them by chance, the adoptive parents can bar you from seeing them.  

    If they were adopted out privately by their mother, you might start by asking her and going from there...

  2. i know quite a few mothers who "found" their children pre-age of majority, and just made sure they were okay because they cared. I see nothing wrong in doing that.

    You will have to search for their adopted names though, not their birth names. Think of places those ages would hang out, myspace? You mention yearbooks, i didn't have a yearbook until I was in highschool, or maybe middle school so it sounds like they're a bit older, facebook or myspace is where I'd start.

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