
Does anyone know how to shave a beaver?

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it's hair keeps going in it's eyes and it cant

find the worm, whats the best method of

doind this without it biting you ,ta




  1. Put on a Pair of thick gloves, be armed with a Set of sheers lol

    grab the lil bugger! and force it down onto its back! and shave away if she still bites, do it when its asleep xD  

  2. catch him when he's sleeping and be gental. do it while in the water hole

  3. You could try growling at it, but that won't do anything about it's hair.

  4. Well back in my youth I would toss them in hot water for a while, a spa bath or sommat will do perfectly, then the hair falls of like feathers off a chicken. Come to think about it.. sort of taste like chicken too!

  5. Go get it a brazilian wax. Hair will be out and it will experience the joy of smoothness. No more hair in the eyes(wink)

  6. First ya have to starp it down. Then you get it used to the razor. Then it wont be afraid. get some shaving cream, and start at the tail and make upwards strokes. That should do the trick. Good luck with your beaver problems!

  7. whip cream!

    WOW big azz below Snizz....dont breath

  8. grow it so long that u hav to plait the hair to keep it tame

    that way it will be out the way an u wont hav to go through tha pain of waxing


  9. I'm sure if you ask her nicely Mrs. SM will hold still...she's a good girl you know!!!

    LOLOLOL LuLu... Yeah I don't got nothing about that!!! :x

  10. Hello my delicious piece of man haggis, as far as I know cuddly wuddly has never bitten you yet!

    If you ask nicely I'll sit still for you! :)


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