
Does anyone know how to tie this?

by  |  earlier

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...step-by-step please?




  1. It looks nice but i dont know how to tie it.

    I would like to say that covering hairs is not necessary, your face and body should be also covered when you go out.

  2. Well, I wish I could draw here, but instead I'll have to describe the action as closely as I can :)

    This is basically done with three pieces of cloth: a tight undercap, a long scarf (one of those that are not too broad, but are very long and a band). You'll also need a lot of pins.

    First put the undercap on. I don't know if you have the one in this very colour, but when wearing hijab like this always go for an undercap darker than the scarf, it looks more stylish. Put the scarf over it, on top of your head. Instead of tying it under your chin pull its ends at the back of your neck and tie these two ends under the remaining piece of scarf, so the knot won't be seen (use either a simple knot or pins). Since you're wearing an undercap, it already covers your neck, so you don't have to worry about it being exposed (use pins to tie the undercap and scarf on top of your head and around your ears and the trick is to expose as little of the undercap as possible). Anyway, now that you've tied the cloth at the back of your head, you'll still have a lot cloth to work with (that's why I said a long scarf). Now just roll those ends around the cloth that's already hanging there and again pin them down beneath (you'll get the effect from the pic). Now comes the band (you can also use some smaller scarf). You just tie it from the top of your head and that's it.

    I used to wear this type of hijab. It's very stylish and classy, but not very convinient for hot summer days. Anyway, hope this helped a little :)

  3. is soooo beautiful! I want to know how to wear it lik that!!

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