
Does anyone know how to tre-flip?? can you kind of try to explain to me?? plz!! ive been skating about 3 years

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Does anyone know how to tre-flip?? can you kind of try to explain to me?? plz!! ive been skating about 3 years




  1. to tre flip you'll need to know how to kickflip and 360 shuvit. it's also alot more helpful if you know how to varial kickflip. learn these three tricks before trying a tre flip.

    once you have all of these, then try it out.

    it's pretty much like doing a varial but you scoop it [using your back foot] more than flicking it [using your front foot]

    it's pretty hard to explain in words. type in how to tre flip on youtube and you'll find good videos.

    also if you can't do a tre then try going fakie and doing a tre flip. thats the only way i can 360 flip.

  2. OK first watch tons of pros tre-flip put in slow mo and when you think you got it watch it a hundred more times (but not actually) to tre flip you have to think about doing a kickflip and a 3 shuv at once (obviously) so you want to swoop your back foot hard while your front flicks like a kickflip, while all this is going on you still gotta kinda jump a little with your board, this will put you under the board and give you that space needed so your board can flip freely, watch for black grip when your flip is close to complete and then stomp it and ride away. (that's the just of how i do it, remember in the world of skateboarding everyone is different so you may have to play around with foot positioning for a while before you get it, also try it on shallow banks there dope for learning the tre) last tip i have my front foot kickflip stance and my back foot right at the corner of the tail kinda where that dip is from tail to concave for optimum swoopage, happy tres man

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