
Does anyone know how you an uncurse like yourself and others?

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How to uncurse

like is there a sentence you say or i dunno a potion to make

im not a witch but im supersticious

and there is a really bad curse

i know there is.

please someone if you know a solution inform me

thank you !!!




  1. So...let me get this straight. To remove a curse, a fictional idea that someone has beset you with ill will by means of verbally enchanting you can be destroyed if you put a thought in your head to believe a non-tangible diety?

    Don't put "faith" in ill logic and these things will have no effect of you, curses or otherwise.

  2. I just found a webpage and they actually help exactly on this. It is I am pretty sure they can help. I hope I could help you!

  3. i am a white witch and have used this spell a couple of times before, it may work for you so try it ! :)
    -     you will need     -
    - black candle
    - black bowl
    - water

    1st -   put the candle in the bowl
    2nd -   meditate and relax and light the candle
    3rd -   fill the bowl with water, when the water reaches the candle it will obviously go out when this happens the curse is broken
    4th -   pour the water into a hole and bury the candle in the earth.

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