
Does anyone know howto do a privet adoption without an agency?

by  |  earlier

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here is what i want to know say i fhave a friend that is pegnant or i post an add for taking an unwanted baby at birth can we just have her have the baby and i sign all the forms in the hospital or how could we make it legal without a lot of red tape




  1. Hello!!! I just adopted my son privately. The parents just came to me and ask me to take him and I went and got an notrary and the parents signed papers and then I went to court with my lawyer and the judge ask me a few simple questions and then he was mine in a flash. No agency at all and wasn't very expensive either. It only cost me $2000.00 and well worth it. Hope this helps.

  2. contact an adoption lawyer

  3. Most states allow independent adoption (without an agency).  There are states that do not allow it though, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts and North Dakota don't allow for independent adoption.

  4. The first thing you need to to is get a lawyer who works with adoption law.  You also, in any state I know of, have to have a home study done by a licensed agency.  This entails them looking at your home, your finances, your job stability, and your criminal background.   That usually costs about 500-1000 dollars.  Also, most states have some type of waiting period in which the birth parents can change their mind, and this ranges from 3 days to sometimes 6 months.  In addition, keep in mind that the birth father also has rights.

  5. Find an adoption attorney.

  6. you do not need an agency but you will need a lawyer...

  7. There are attorneys that specialize in such things. Look in your phone book, or under "adoptions" in the classifieds.

  8. I wouldn't recommend any adoption with out first checking into legality's, you have no clue what kind of people are out there just to take advantage of your situation, First look into baby safe havens, Hospitals ,police stations and fire stations will take the child (no questions asked) if you change your mind you can return for the child, But I wouldn't go looking for some shady lawyer looking to take you to the cleaners, They're are reputable Lawyers out there!

  9. You don't just post an ad, it's not a piece of meat.Take her to the hospital.If your "friend" doesn't want red tape than he shouldn't have had a baby.

  10. You'd need to check with your state laws and the laws of the state where the baby is born (and with the ICPC rules/regs if it's across state lines), but you could probably just go through an adoption attorney.

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