
Does anyone know if Charles Fuchs home based business is legitimate?

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Does anyone know if Charles Fuchs home based business is legitimate?




  1. Run for the hills.  Don't pay them a nickel.  /

  2. Hello. I have a friend that actually just got involved in that. She is doing alright but that is only because her uncle is a doctor and she got him involved and she ran a weight management business for the last two years. I don't think it is a scam. At least she hasn't had a problem that I know of but I do think it would be hard for a everyday person who isn't somehow linked to "the health world". You have to know a lot of people who are very health conscience for this to work.That's why I didn't get involved. I myself am a health freak but I do not know anyone else who is:) I'd be my only customer!   Anyway, I have experience in this industry and would be happy to help you. Email me anytime!

  3. You must do your own research to get the real answer. It's not that hard to find out if any given company is legit. Simply go to the site (Better Business Bureau) and type in their name. You can also checkout their financial stability as well as the corporate profile at Yahoo Financials.I was able to retire at a very early age due to the success of a business I started from my home. My time is now devoted to my family and helping as many people I can achieve the same success. I am always available to answer your questions and help in anyway I can.

  4. Heyyy guys. thanks for talking about me.... Yes im legitmate. If you want, you can call me 702-597-5151 or my website at:

    Charles Fuchs

  5. You know, your going to have to do your own research like Mentor suggested.  I gave him a thumbs up for that.  You can ask just about anyone, and they're either going to lure you into doing it, because they make money signing you up, or you will get people who will tell you it's a scam to lure you into doing what they are doing.  So either way, your going to get biased answers.  This is an area, where you're going to need to do your own research and look for specific things and ask people who are involved in the business and find out if it's the right type of business for you.  For me telecommunciations is, for you Charles Fuchs might be.  

    There's an article written on home based businesses that I highly recommend you reading.  It will show you what you need to look into to find out if a business is legitimate.  The article doesn't point out to any specific industry, just a lot of information on things to look for etc.  It does have over half a dozen different industries listed that have been put to their test and do work, Charles Fuchs is not one of them, however that DOES NOT mean that it isn't legitmate.  You just need to do your own research and take a look around and various different things to make sure before you go into business within any company that it's good for you.

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