
Does anyone know if Crest toothpaste is in fact Kosher?

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Does anyone know if Crest toothpaste is in fact Kosher?




  1. The ruling as to whether Crest toothpaste would be considered kosher or not would depend on how your rabbi or yourself interpreted the laws.  Some do not consider toothpaste to be a food item, in which case kosher law would not apply.  Some others do consider it to be, since it is put into the mouth and some inevitably is swallowed.  The argument goes round and round.  Toothpaste is not meant to be eaten, nor would you consider it fit to serve a guest to eat. For many years toothpaste ingredients were primarily calcium carbonate, an element which can be eaten but is not digestable.  So many ruled toothpaste a non-food item.  Then the companies introduced sweeteners to improve the taste, usually a form of glycerin.  That sweetener may come from either animal or vegetable sources- so again the debate came up.  The toothpaste manufacturers are required to list ingredients- not necessarily the source of them.   Some Crest toothpastes are not made with glycerin of animal origin, but the source can change at any time.  The company themselves may not know from batch to batch either- remember they only purchase the ingredient as glycerin suitable for human consumption.  So the best I can suggest to you, if you wish to keep strictly kosher- would be to purchase your toothpaste from a company which specifically labels it as kosher, or to ask your rabbi for guidance.  

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