
Does anyone know if Hillary, Mccain, or Obama have ever like actually worked in their lives?

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I was just wondering if any of these 3 have ever worked a single day in their lives. I want to know if they worked during highschool, or through college. I'm curious.




  1. Obama definitely has...Hillary hasnt

  2. Since Obama's real paper trail of his life disappeared before he ran for Senate, it is hard to tell what he really did, other than much fabricated experience, to some extent.

    Hillary Clinton paid for by her parent's, she claims to know the simple person's life, which is a bunch of it... the smelly stuff.

    McCain had a job, in the military, he was paid by the month like other soldiers.

  3. Well like, Obama? Like he worked and like he did some like cool stuff for like middle class people?  And like he was some kind of like community organizer and like that is like organizing communities and stuff.

    Obama worked as a community organizer, university lecturer, and civil rights lawyer before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.

    And as far as Hillary.. Hillary Rodham attracted national attention in 1969 for her remarks as the first student to deliver the commencement address at Wellesley College. She began her career as a lawyer after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973. Following a stint as a Congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas in 1974 and married Bill Clinton in 1975. She was later named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979 and was listed as one of the one hundred most influential lawyers in America in 1988 and 1991.

    So like maybe like being an influental lawyer like doesn't seem like much... it's like a little harder than like working at McDonalds.

  4. Obama was a community organizer in Chicago which is extremely low pay and was a scholarship student in college so I assume he had to do work-study jobs.

    McCain NO!

    Hillary.. I don't know.

  5. OK are u just dumb senator Clinton of new york

    senator obama of Chicago

    senator McCain of Arizona

  6. I don't think any of them really did anything. Ron Paul was a doctor... WRITE IN!!

  7. I seriously doubt it.

  8. Obama's mom was not a poor white woman and she remarried a Harvard grad. He put obama through school. Hillary did political stuff not sure if it was pay or not. You know McCain did the military.

    I kind of doubt if a single one ever said Do you want fries with that?

  9. I think they all started out as middle or lower middle class so I expect they held a variety of jobs in high school and college. None of them are the George Bush type of privileged with the silver spoon in the mouth.

    McCain comes closest. After coming back form Viet Nam, McCain had the good sense to dump his wife, mother of his children who waited for him while he was a POW,  and marry an heiress so he hasn't had to hold a "real job" since.

  10. Obama has, but im thinking Ron Paul would be better for the job....

    Ron Paul 08

  11. I don't know about McCain. I read the books by or about the other two. They were both sent to school by their parents. The reason Hillary doesn't know how to dress is because her father would not give her money to buy clothes when she was a teenager, and she was not allowed to work to make the money to buy them either. So she missed that important time when a young woman learns to dress well. Hillary has worked in her life and worked hard. She was a lawyer. She was a woman lawyer. Now maybe you are young and don't know what it was like for a woman in the 60's and 70's, but I remember. I can identify with Hillary's experiences of being discriminated against in the workplace because she was a woman. One of her first jobs in Washington was as a young attorney working on the impeachment of Nixon. She is probable the one candidate with the most work experience. I think I remember reading that she has a summer job when in college in the fishing (canning) industry in Alaska too. They still hire college students for that job, I know because I use to tell people where to get summer jobs and that was one of them. It is a lot harder than working at McD's.

    Overall I don't think that any of the 3 are like the Kennedy's or Bushes.

  12. I'm pretty sure McCain did.  He was in the military.  Unless you are trying to say that people in the military are lazy and don't do anything.  I hope not.

  13. Mccain served in the miltary, was a prisoner of war facing torture for six years......i think that counts for something.....

    neither hillary or obama has done anything for the country except for selfserving politcal jobs to further their cause and write books....

    obama is a smooth talking liar and smokes cigarettes

    bill clinton used to be a smooth talking liar and smoked stogies while diddling monica

    hillary is still ducking sniper fire in her

  14. i don"t know

  15. Obama has worked as an attorney. McCain fought in a war. Anyone who thinks that isn't work hasn't tried it.

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