
Does anyone know if I can renew my mexican vehicle permit in mexico or do I really have to drive to the border

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My tourist visa is still valid and I was told I could even renew it in mexico, but my vehicle permit is almost expired and I have to be here for one more month, Does anyone know if I can get an extension or renew within Mexico. I am close to DF and I really hope I don´t have to drive to the border and drive back just for another month. Too many miles for my car, plus it´s a looonnng trip. Please help!!




  1. did you skimp on your vehicle pirmit and now you see that you needed a more expensive one? hmmmmm.

    Lo barato sale caro my friend.

    actually i have no idea.  sorry.

    oh...go to your local DMV to see what they can do for you.

  2. I would guess you mean can you renew you vehicle permit without having to go across the border, right?

    Call Sandborns Insurance and ask them.  They write a lot of the car insurance for tourist.   If they do not know call the Mexican Counsel ant in Houston Texas they can tell you for sure.

  3. If you entered on a 6 month tourist visa, your car permit should be good just as long as your tourist visa is.  I have never heard of it NOT being good for the duration of the visa.   It used to be that when a person was in Mexico on an FM3 visa...which has to be renewed once a year at the nearest immigration office in Mexico, that the car permit had to be renewed too. This had to be done at an Aduana office.  But this is no longer even an Aduana office may be of no help to you.  Are you Positive the car permit expires before your tourist card does?  This is VERY strange. You can ask around and see if there is an Aduana (customs) office in  D F you can go to.  I would be interested to know how you resolve this.

  4. Hello.

    You can Not renew a visa within Mexico.

    You can apply for an extension if they gave you 90 days

    I hate to tell you that you will have to take your vehicle out of Mexico for a day or two and re enter.

    If I understand your question , you were given 90 days and your car got180 days

    It may be a shorter drive to Guatemala.

    A friend of mine has a condo in Acapulco and last year they tried to give him a 90 day visa and his vehicle 180.

    Mexicans were doing this so you would have to pay the $200.00 pesos to get an extension. If they did that to one million people, well you do the math

    I though the permits were for six months.

    You will need to find a "Federal Fiscal" in your town.

    There will be a fine at the border.  

    You can scrape it off and avoid La Migra but they will not let you bring another car in for some time'

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