
Does anyone know if Obama has ties or influence from family or friends who are muslims?

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Does anyone know if Obama has ties or influence from family or friends who are muslims?




  1. Probably as many as McCain does.

  2. The whole world know that Obama stayed and ATTENDED SCHOOL  in Indonesia when he was young. Hence, it is only normal that he has ties and influence from Muslims friends and families.  

  3. If you find that kind of information, there's no one to stop you from submitting it to John McCain's web site.  Or you could give it to Rush Limbaugh over the phone when he comes on and he'll pass it along to McCain.

  4. yes and his middle name is housane

  5. I don't know of any...

    I know Bush has a TON...funny how Republicans really don't care in the least about that?

  6. It appears he has little or no connection to his father's side of the family.

    I don't know about his half siblings from his mother's 2nd husband.  

  7. His half brother living on a $1 a month

  8. I don't but frankly, it shouldnt matter

  9. I read that his grandfather is Muslim. Obama is Christian, though.

  10. no, but there are few of the REALLY, REALLY stupid that think so.  But most of them have IQ's so incredibly low that prevent them from typing on a keyboard.

  11. His family is Muslim.  He spent 2 years in a Muslim school in Indonesia.  He has had 2 Muslim fathers, and a mother who seemed to enjoy marrying them.

    I see a pattern...

  12. Of course he does, his father's family is all muslim and his stepfathers family is all muslim as well. He also thinks highly of Louis Farrakhan. But other than those I don't know of any!

  13. Obamas father was radical muslim! according to muslim law that makes him muslim! he says he has converted to christianity but, in the church he attended for 20 years all i saw was hate preached. hes had way to many bad influences in his life not to be affected by it. he keeps saying the 1st black american to ever be nominated to the dem party for president when in fact that is not true, he is half white, so does that mean also he is white or black, he seems to deny his white roots but embraces the black only. i know it doesnt make sense to me either. i could care less what color he is or not, its his character i question. and since i have watched him all these months his speeches and his body languague tells me all he cares about is being president not serving the public!

  14. No. His father and step father are deceased....and he barely knows his half-brothers. He does remain close with his half-sister, but she isn't Muslim and lives in Hawaii. The other half of his family is Christian.

  15. Why does that matter this is America muslims are NOT our enemies

    fundamental extremists are

    See here in America we have this novel freaking concept called FREEDOM OF RELIGION

  16. Why do you want to know? Do you have ties or influence from family or friends who are Muslims, or Catholics, or Jews, or Atheists? And tell me why that's any of my business. This is America, remember?  

  17. rashid kalihdi (sp) and odinga! google obama/odinga.he was the one obama supported who has persecuted christians.

  18. not sure. I've heard rumors, but that's only rumors...

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