
Does anyone know if Queen Elizabeth has a surname.?

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I was just wondering. I just have not heard of any Queen or King to have a surname. Perhaps they just don't have one. Many thanks.




  1. Actually if she did like "normal" people, her last name would be Mountbatten.

  2. Windsor

  3. yes it is windsor

  4. Windsor-Mountbatten

  5. Queen Elizabeth II's maiden name was Windsor. High anti-German feeling among the people during WWI prompted the Royal Family to abandon all titles held under the German crown and to change German-sounding titles and house names for English-sounding versions from Wettin to Windsor. The current official surname used for the House of Windsor is Mountbatten-Windsor.The Queen's children and grandchildren are from the House of Mountbatten (the royal house to which Prince Philip belonged). Prince Charles will officially change to House of Mountbatten-Windsor when he becomes King.

    Although the official surname that royal children and grandchildren of the Queen is "Mountbatten-Windsor", the younger royal generation prefers to use their "territorial title" as oppose to their official surname. Prince William of Wales was registered as "William Wales" in college, and both Princess Beatrice and Eugenie of York were registered as "Beatrice and Eugenie York" in college.

    However, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex's daughter was continued to be styled as "Lady Louise Windsor."

  6. Windsor, I believe is her name.

  7. All monarchs had a surname.  In the beginning the surname came from a trade, such as Thatcher, Cooper, Archer etc.  The Royals took their names from the territories they ruled over.  For instance William the Conqueror was William Orange as he was the Duke of Orange before being King of England.  This ceased, however, when King Henry II took the thone and used his father's royal house, Plantagenet.  The House of Plantagenet ruled England until 1485, when Richard III was defeated at the Battle of Bosworth Field.  This ended the Plantagenet rule and a new surname came into prominence, Tudor.  The Tudor's were England's most powerful dynasty and bore England's best and worst monarchs, Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) and Mary Tudor (Queen Mary I or "Bloody Mary").  When Elizabeth died in 1603 without an heir, the Scottish Royal House of Stuart ascended the throne.  The Stuarts ruled from 1603 (James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II, William III, Mary II until the death of Queen Anne in 1714.  After Anne died, the House of Hannover became the ruling family of England.  George I, II, III, IV and William IV.  When William died in 1837, the rule of the Hannover's ceased and the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Queen Victoria and Edward VII) became the ruling house of England.  When Edward died, King George V ascended and the rule of the Wettin family began.  Following the oubreak of the Great War in 1914, the Wettin's broke all their German ties and adopted the name Windsor, in honour of their favourite holiday home, Windsor Castle.  The name has been Windsor since then until Elizabeth II married Philip Mountbatten.  The Royal Children were styled Windsor-Mountbatten but the grandchildren were styled Mountbatten.  However, most of the royal children and grandchildren are referred to by the titles instead.  For instance, Edward and Sophie Wessex etc.

  8. The Queen doesn't use a surname;she is from The Royal House of Windsor. Here is the official explanation about the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas(Elizabeth's family house) and the Schlesweig-Holstein-Sonderburg

    -Glucksburgs(Philip's royal house) ,who  became the Windsors and Mountbattens during World War II, names changed to appease anti-German sentiments caused by the fatal bombimg by tweney-four Gotha warpanes:


    "Members of the Royal Family can be known both by the name of their Royal house, and by a surname, which are not always the same. And often they do not use a surname at all.

    People often ask whether members of the Royal Family have a surname, and, if so, what it is.

    The situation of members of the Royal Family is more complex than for most people, as they can be known both by the name of the Royal house, and by a surname, which are not always the same.

    Before 1917, members of the British Royal Family had no surname, but only the name of the house or dynasty to which they belonged.

    Kings and princes were historically known by the names of the countries over which they and their families ruled. Kings and queens therefore signed themselves by their first names only, a tradition in the United Kingdom which has continued to the present day.

    The names of dynasties tended to change when the line of succession was taken by a rival faction within the family (for example, Henry IV and the Lancastrians, Edward IV and the Yorkists, Henry VII and the Tudors), or when succession passed to a different family branch through females (for example, Henry II and the Angevins, James I and the Stuarts, George I and the Hanoverians).

    Just as children can take their surnames from their father, so sovereigns normally take the name of their 'House' from their father. For this reason, Queen Victoria's eldest son Edward VII belonged to the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (the family name of his father Prince Albert). Edward VII's son George V became the second king of that dynasty when he succeeded to the throne in 1910.

    In 1917, there was a radical change, when George V specifically adopted Windsor, not only as the name of the 'House' or dynasty, but also as the surname of his family. The family name was changed as a result of anti-German feeling during the First World War, and the name Windsor was adopted after the Castle of the same name.

    At a meeting of the Privy Council on 17 July 1917, George V declared that 'all descendants in the male line of Queen Victoria, who are subjects of these realms, other than female descendants who marry or who have married, shall bear the name of Windsor'.      


    The Royal Family name of Windsor was confirmed by The Queen after her accession in 1952. However, in 1960, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh decided that they would like their own direct descendants to be distinguished from the rest of the Royal Family (without changing the name of the Royal House), as Windsor is the surname used by all the male and unmarried female descendants of George V.

    It was therefore declared in the Privy Council that The Queen's descendants, other than those with the style of Royal Highness and the title of Prince/Princess, or female descendants who marry, would carry the name of Mountbatten-Windsor.

    This reflected Prince Philip's surname. In 1947, when Prince Philip of Greece became naturalised, he assumed the name of Philip Mountbatten as a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.

    The effect of the declaration was that all The Queen's children, on occasions when they needed a surname, would have the surname Mountbatten-Windsor.

    For the most part, members of the Royal Family who are entitled to the style and dignity of HRH Prince or Princess do not need a surname, but if at any time any of them do need a surname (such as upon marriage), that surname is Mountbatten-Windsor.

    The surname Mountbatten-Windsor first appeared on an official document on 14 November 1973, in the marriage register at Westminster Abbey for the marriage of Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips.

    A proclamation on the Royal Family name by the reigning monarch is not statutory; unlike an Act of Parliament, it does not pass into the law of the land. Such a proclamation is not binding on succeeding reigning sovereigns, nor does it set a precedent which must be followed by reigning sovereigns who come after.

    Unless The Prince of Wales chooses to alter the present decisions when he becomes king, he will continue to be of the House of Windsor and his grandchildren will use the surname Mountbatten-Windsor."

  9. It is Windser

  10. Buttafuoco

  11. Sir Queen Elizabeth

  12. Windsor...

  13. The King of Spain's surname is Borbon.

  14. yeah before the first world war it was saxcoburg. they were german because of queen victorias husband. but they changed it to windsor. but the surnames have changed alot. e.g. henry tudor (henry 8th)

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