Well, lots of places have special deals for pizzas that you order 3 of them for a special price and only pick one topping....but technically there ARE eight slices to a pizza...and at most chain restaurants there are about 12 toppings....
So...theoretically....wouldnt it still be considered a "one topping pizza" if you ordered their 3 pizza minimum and told them....
"On every other slice I just want plain cheese...on each other slice put a different topping."
Like, for example....
A pizza that, in order, would have....
a slice of cheese, a slice of pepperoni, a slice of cheese, a slice of mushroom, a slice of cheese, a slice of sausage, a slice of cheese, and a slice of green pepper.
two more so on and so forth, but continuing on with the list of toppings.
Wouldnt they still, by all logic, be considered "one topping pizza's"???
Does anyone know of a pizza chain that will actually do this?