
Does anyone know if any car rental places in texas let people under 25 rent cars?

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I am going to a concert about an hour away and i can not afford to take my truck so if anyone knows a place please let me know




  1. they do allow people under 25 to rent, as long as they are at least 21. But you wind up paying an extra fee for not being 25.

  2. Let me start out by saying I'm not mechanically inclined when it comes to auto repair. Last week I had some problems with my Nissan Titan and I wasn't sure how to fix them. I tried to search the Internet for help, but the procedures were way too complex for my skills. I ended up going to the dealship for my repairs. The dealership tends to charge more than mom and pop repair shops, but they've seen all sorts of situations (car insurance problems, repair warranty issues, etc) and they seem to always find a way to help me. Maybe you can try calling auto repair shops in Texas to see if they can help you.

  3. In WI you can be 21 and rent a pick up truck say from penske or the like, even enterprise will rent to persons under 25, but there is a catch on the type of rental, where you do have to be 25

  4. i'm 19y and i got a car rental from enterprise but i was in a car accident so insurance paid for it.

  5. no you need to be 25

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