
Does anyone know if bulletproof glass has been installed around the speaker's podium at the Denver Cow Palace?

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..where the DNC is holding its convention???




  1. Brother I live in Denver, the Pepsi Center is one of the most state of the art sports and events facilities in the world, it ain't no phuckin cow palace and we ain't all cowboys.  I may be but it is widely considered one of the more metropolitan cities in the nation.

    Now what was the question about?  Oh yeah bulletproof glass, probably

  2. PING...that was your IP address popping up in a NSA directory.

  3. Sure

  4. Yes, most likely.

    And I hope you like the food in Guantanamo..

  5. i hope not!

  6. As much of a zoo as this convention is turning into, you'd think they'd have all of the bases covered, out of necessity.  The party of tolerance and understanding ain't getting along too well.

    For your entertainment, here is a slide show of some of the protesters.  It's quite enlightening:

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