
Does anyone know if edgar (his jockey) was with barbaro when he passed??

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He seemed to love him so much...




  1. I belive the only ones there were the owners as well as the team that took care of him at the clinic he was at. I have seen pictures of the jockey visting him while he was trying to recover.

  2. Yes he was the first to arrive and the last to leave, he stayed with the horse through it all...per CNN.

    He was seen crying outside the stall, after he had been put down...and Quote,  there will never be another Barbaro..

    He also visited the horse on a daily basis, when he was not riding, he was at the New Boston Center, per the Jackson's, Edgar and the horse were always one.

  3. Edgar and Barbaro really were a special bunch when they were together.

    Thank God Edgar pulled Barbaro up when he did.

    Thank you Edgar, and Goodbless Barbaro.



  4. In the Spring, a book Edgar Prado co-wrote on Barbaro, My Guy, Barbaro, is being published. I have it on pre-order through Amazon and I hope it brings closure to my feelings over this entire tragedy.

    I was at the Preakness that afternoon - Turfside Terrace - and clearly saw the break-down and the work he did to save Barbaro's life. I never, ever thought 100,000 people could be so silent.

    Prado had visited Barbaro several times and was at New Bolton when he was put down. If he never won another race, Prado was a champion for truly caring about this wonderful equine athlete.

  5. all i know was he was buried with barbaro's ashes.

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