
Does anyone know if grocery stores sell kelp powder? If not where can i go to buy some?

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Does anyone know if grocery stores sell kelp powder? If not where can i go to buy some?




  1. I buy a piece of kombu at my favorite health food store, toast it in a dry pan, buzz it in my spice grinder with some rice flour and add it to my dishes like a seasoning, even to miso soups with tofu and green onions is nice, check with the better quality health food stores in your city, or an Asian store that sells Japanese goods.

  2. Sponge bob knows where to go

    but he's just gone for a krabby.


    Kelp Powder Norwegian Vegetarian, 8 oz

    Item# NF-451

    Retail Price: $6.49

    Our Price: $3.89

    You Save $2.60

    Availability Usually ships the next business day.

    Kelp Powder 16 oz.

    Product ID: 8062-16 $4.00

    Size: 16 oz.

    Latin: Laminaria digitata

    Hope that helps!!

  4. There is a lot of it for sale on ebay.  I can't give you the link, because Y/A likes to delete my answers if I post a link.  Anyway go to ebay and do a search for "bulk kelp"

    I posted the above answer and in less than 15 minutes I got a thumbs down, and got my Top Contributor designation removed.  Thanks Y/A.  You guys are a bunch of jerks.

  5. Consider any health food stores; if you have a Whole Foods in your neighborhood, they may also carry it.

  6. possibly at a trader joes or natural food store.

  7. I know for sure that natural food stores sell it. Wild oats, Whole Foods, your local herb shop. Frontier botanicals sells it. You can get it online too...

  8. I know mine does.  Look in the Asian section for "Furikake".

  9. if u live on the coast.go to the beach.washes up all the time. wash it let dry in oven on warm, put in food prosseser until powdered. or go to a health food store.and support a few middle men.

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