
Does anyone know if it's possible to spin a roulette table without placing a bet?

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on the free play you can spin the wheel without placing a bet, is it possible to do this on the real sites when playing with real money?




  1. I would imagine that if the feature is available in  fun mode, it would be in real mode. You could possibly go to a live dealer site like luckynugget and just observe several spins.

    The only reason I can think of for asking this question is that you think you have some sort of system. I would urge you to read this before risking your real money.

  2. of course you can... you can place chip on red and black

    for a free spin..

    Watch how to free spin video:

  3. No u cant and u dont spin it silly the casino employee does : ]

  4. You do not spin the wheel. The casino employee does.  No bet placed, then you are just an observer.

  5. You would have a real job onyour hands trying to spin a table mate..

  6. YES on the microgaming software  you can spin with no bet in real mode.

  7. If you ever touched a roulette wheel in a casino then your butt would soon be airborne flying out the front door :)

    Here's a funny story from about 20 years ago at an unnamed casino in AC.  I was in town staying there and I was checking out the wheels to find one a little out of balance.  So I found one I liked and was doing all right betting red and black and I leaned up against the plexiglass around the wheel and they totally freaked out, told me that this throws the wheel off kilter, and they toss people for this.  I was betting black chips so they made an exception for me this time :)  

    So I notice sometime later that they call one of the waitresses over and the girl purposely leans on the glass.  So I recognize this and adjust my betting and it works great!  Drove them nuts though but they couldn't say anything and I wasn't going to either.  It was sad sometimes though as I'd see Mom and Pop there up a big stack then someone would come by and put the whammy on the wheel and the stack would go away in no time.  

    They wanted me out and I had a comped suite which they took away from me after a while then told me the place was full up which wasn't true at all and I had to go to higher management who let me stay.  Eventually though after about 10 days I wore out my welcome :)

    Among the cool things that happened is that casinos often have dealers who practice all day and have a little bit of control over the wheel but enough to make a real diffference.  The first time I ran into one of these guys who I never saw before and I knew all the dealers by now the guy d**n near wiped me out.  So I resolved to not be fooled again.  Next day they try to do it again, full table, dealer change, this same guy, I'm not playing, so after 2 spins they change back to the original dealer and send their hotshot somewhere else I guess.  Pretty funny.

    I went back next year and when I got there they remembered the incident and told me straight that they aren't having anyone including employees touch the glass so the fun's over man :)  It was d**n fun though while it lasted though to take a little bit of money from these folks.


  8. Yes, the real sites have also play for fun mode.

    for reviews of some of them

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