
Does anyone know if it's true that the government is planning another stimulus check at the end of the year???

by  |  earlier

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I heard some men talking at the gas station yesterday, and one of them told the other that the government is sending out stimulus checks again in November. Does anyone know if this is true???




  1. pelosi is just talking about it right now.  nothing is firm.

    also, barak has proposed a 50 billion dollar stimulus program including $300 checks to families if he gets elected.

    kind of ironic really . . .

  2. The Dems want to send out another for double the amount, but it is still just being tossed around right now. I heard it last week.

  3. Socialists don't give your money back, they take more. When has a Democratic bill ever been introduced to give back to the tax payer, never. They fight to stop the tax payer getting something back. If by chance they ever did, the next year they would double your taxes.

  4. I hope to God that it is true! I am STILL on unemployment benefits and unable to get a job since there has been lack of hiring at businesses in my area. If they do, I am all for it!

    If it is double the amount then I am not spending it! This could just be a rumor floating around but if they've done it before it might just happen again!

  5. No my freind.... Bush gave us that check to make us think republicans are good to the people...Bush's conies (the oil companies ) took alll the stimulus checks we receive. we had a surge in oil prices in may of 25% yet the demand had not grown 1 %..... the excess money they took from us was our stimulus checks....minuse about 20%....... trust me , i watch cnbc all day , we will not get no more gifts .

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