
Does anyone know if my 2000 lincoln ls can be converted into an eco friendly car?

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i would like to know if my lincoln can be converted into a car that runs on vegetable oil. and if so how much it would roughly cost. thank you!!




  1. Not practical. A diesel engine would cost U about $7,000 .

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  3. sophie is right, you can run the car on E85, if it is a flex fuel vehicle, or you can swap a diesel engine into the car and run that on vegetable oil. you could also build your own hybrid vehicle. mother earth news has plans for just such a conversion. given enough time, money, and expertise you can make that lincoln "eco friendly".

  4. It would cost a lot more to convert it to be eco-friendly than to buy an eco friendly vehicle.

    Next, neither bio-diesel nor ethanol appear to be sustainable directions to keep us driving vehicles that have inherently high fuel demand. The first  step comes with the vehicle design.

    The earth does not have enough land to produce a replacement for all the fossil fuels we have been using. We are facing a hungry world if we persist in trying to do that.

  5. defiantly .

    it will be costly though.

    Lincolns are great cars to convert to hybrids because they're enormous!


    you can throw some batteries, and an electric motor in the back, and run with half the environmental impact.

    thing is, you need to increase your car's electrical output by.. alot.

    but it can be done. many ways.

  6. unless you have a diesel engine, it will not run on vegtable oil....

    It may be possible to run on E-85 ethanol, but I'm not sure....

  7. Did you know that you can convert your car in minutes to a water-running car?

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