
Does anyone know if or how I can upgrade my 60hz hdtv to make it 120hz?

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Does anyone know if or how I can upgrade my 60hz hdtv to make it 120hz?




  1. This kind of modification is not possible on a TV..espically the newer flat-panels which don't work on the same principal as traditional Tv's.

  2. Even if you could find a way to do it (very unlikely), it would cost less to get a new TV.

  3. You can't, really.  The display and the electronics that drive it must be designed for 120 Hz operation.   Sorry.

    I hope this helps.

  4. I don't think there is a way to make your LCD 120hz unless you rip it apart, which will make your warranty null and void. Event then, I don't think your LCD TV will be able to reach 120hz. I think you will be better off trying to sell your TV or returning and getting one with 120 hz technology.

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