
Does anyone know if platonic friends use:?

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mahal kita

mahal ko

ow's talaga




  1. Not if between man and a woman...

  2. I'm sorry but what the h**l is a "platonic" friend?

  3. ...yes it's very okay for platonic friends to use those terms.  

  4. In a platonic relationship, anything goes except s*x.

  5. Let me translate the phrases first.

    mahal kita - I love you.

    mahal ko - My love.  My darling.  My Sweetheart (and other terms of endearment).

    ows talaga - Oh really?!

    It is okay to say "I love you" to a friend but if the friends in question are a man and a woman, saying the above first two phrases may be misconstrued for something deeper than friendship.  It is okay to said the words though if it is said and meant purely in the context of friendship.

    Also, I never call any of my friends "My love." Among my closest friends, we do have pet names for each other but "my love" and other similar terms are reserved to our better halves (read: husband / wife or boyfriend / girlfriend).

    The 3rd phrase though is used quite liberally in my conversations with friends, be it girl or guy friends.

    Hope this helps.  :)

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