
Does anyone know if russian lab diamonds are real?

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Does anyone know if russian lab diamonds are real?




  1. Regardless of what country they come from there are two types of lab created gems: Synthetic and Simulants.

    A lab created, lab grown or synthetic diamond (all synonymous terms) is in fact, a diamond.  

    Synthetic or lab created stones are grown using the same elements as natural stones. They have the same physical, optical and chemical properties as a natural stone. Lab created stones also have the same mineral content as naturals. The only difference between a lab created diamond and a natural diamond is its origin.

    Now, laboratory grown simulant (I call them "imitation") gemstones have an appearance similar to that of a natural gemstone but have different optical, physical, and chemical properties.  Cubic Zirconia is a simulant not a synthetic.

    So, if it is created in a lab you need to find out whether the diamond is a synthetic or a simulant. And I guess is up to you to decide whether a synthetic diamond is "real".

    Hope this helps!

  2. You answered your own question there sweetheart. If it's made in a lab, it ain't real.

  3. if they're made in a lab their not real.  

  4. Lab created diamonds, regardless of what country they come from are synthetic and therefore not real. There are benefits to purchasing synthetic diamonds however. They are typically less expensive and the stigma of "blood daimond" is useally not a concern.

    If you are considering purchasing a diamond, it's best to consult with a professional sales person, at least initially to understand what you should be looking for. There are a lot of factors that determine a really good diamond worth purchasing.

  5. If they're lab diamonds, how can they be real?

  6. Lab diamonds are created in a lab controlled environment artificially.

    It doesn't matter which country it comes from when you see an ad for lab or created diamonds these are basically fake as they don't come out from a mine originally

    They are also known as Cubic Zirconia

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