
Does anyone know if satellite tv is more energy efficient than cable tv?

by Guest34043  |  earlier

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I'm just considering the cost....




  1. Energy efficient how?  Depending on which cable package you get from your cable provider, you won't need a set-top box, whereas with satellite you ALWAYS need a receiver which is another electrical device...

    The cable itself, nor the satellite dish itself use no electricity.

  2. no but if ur getting digital or HD cable get satellite instead

  3. The difference between them will be so minimal you might be talking a buck or 2 a year. Now as stated by pooh with basic cable you do have the benefit of not having a cable box, whereas satellite you always need a receiver. Before you worry about cost of the boxes turn your PC off at night and all other night lights and gadgets. If we assume your satellite box is on 24/ 7/ 365 and it comsumes 25 watts. It will cost you about $22 a year to operate at 10cents/KWH. So going with basic cable will save you about 22 bucks a year or 220kwh.

    So basic cable could potentially be an additional 2 dollars/month or so less than the lowest satellite package. If the package prices are the same.

    You have to compare package costs to be sure.

  4. No difference to you - your service provider pays the energy costs except for the satellite receiver or cable box.  They tend to be about the same in energy usage.  Satellites use solar panels to generate their power, so they are a little greener in that respect.

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