
Does anyone know if side bangs are supposed to go on the right or the left?

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Does anyone know if side bangs are supposed to go on the right or the left?




  1. It doesn't matter. Either side is fine.

  2. it's your own personal decision.

    choose whatever way your hair parts easiest.

    my hair parts more towards my left so i have my bangs swept from left to right.

  3. it doesnt matter. most peoples hair wont go both ways bc of a cowlick but if you can do either way then go for it. lol

  4. Either way. Whichever you like more

  5. just depends on ur part. i part my hair on the right side and my bangs r on the left

  6. Whichever way you want or your hair decides to go because I know my hair won't let me pull them to the left.

  7. Doesn't really matter. Mine are super long and get in my face sometime so i have the left. It's easier since I'm right handed and i can always see what I'm rea reaching for or writeing.  

  8. mine are on the right.

    but thats because they look better on that side.

    It just depends.


  9. either way.

    if you want to switch it up this is what i do

    normally mine go to the right

    but if you want it to go to the left,

    wet your hair and comb it to the left and blow dry it so it can stay like that.

  10. it doesnt really matter

    personally i think they look better on the right

    but it depends what look you're going for i guess

  11. it doesn't matter. which ever ones look better on u, do it. becuz most ppl look good on the right, and not on the left, while others look good on the left and not on the right. lol. so experiment with both, and see which one is easier to part and which looks better on u. good luck! hope i helped. =]

  12. it doesnt really matter

    but mine are onthe right hand side

    left if your looking straight on

    answer any of mine please;...;...;...;...;...;...

  13. it doesnt matter

    the way you want them.

  14. it doesn't matter.. just whatever way your hair parts or however you wanna wear it!.. :)

  15. Depends which way you usually like parting your hair

  16. any side

  17. Ugh,. it doesnt matter. I had mine on the left, and when i got it cut i got it moved to the left. So yah, it doesnt matter

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