
Does anyone know if taking surveys online is a legite online job? it wants to charge 40 bucks to start?

by Guest10775  |  earlier

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will they really pay to take surveys does anyone know about this? it sounds good is it really please help out




  1. Google "online surveys."

    Read testimonials (NOT sponsored by survey sites).

    I considered doing this for extra money in college but everything i learned said that they were a scam. There's almost no chance that you'll make anything worth your time, especially from the ones that charge you to start out.

    NOT recommended...

  2. its good if you don't pay to start as most of pay sites are scam

    try this

    above website is a registrar of many multinational online job provides which are free to join and are verified that they do pay you. as well as all online jobs listed in that site is free to join and they pay no matter where you live. for this month there is a special offer for joining jobs too. One who earn the most from jobs listed in will be rewarded 1.5 times their salary. also has a online support. they help you on earning more. support include email support and conference with other job holders as well as with their stafs.

  3. You can make a little extra cash to do online survey's.  You won't make much, but you'll make a little.  But you need to understand exactly how they work, what's involved etc. before getting involved.  If you like what it says, there's some survey sites you can get.

  4. no legit job would want you to pay them

  5. I think taking survey is legit online job. Earth has become more profitable market right now. That’s why the big company needs to pay attention to a large number of customers worldwide. And that’s one of the reason why they are using paid surveys. Let’s think logically. How can a big manufacturer company that based on England find out about their customers preferences who lives in Australia? Simple. There’s online method to do that and one of that method is called “paid surveys”. To find out more you can go to,

    Hope my answer can help you =)

  6. If you applied at Wal-Mart for a job, would they ask for $40 up front?  

    Surveys DON'T pay - so don't YOU pay to take them... a 'pay' to survey site is no better than the free ones...

    Been there, done that... biggest waste of a logical thinking person's time you will ever find...

  7. What job makes you pay it? It's obviously a scam.

  8. SCAM

  9. For free data entry jobs, visit the below sites.

  10. I have found that online surveys do not pay enough to buy coffee every day.  They charge you the $40 to give you the names of companies that are taking surveys, information which you can easily find yourself.  They're basically just selling you a list that you don't need.  It was a good gig for them, they made a fortune selling these lists, but I think most people are "onto" them now, so I would run away.

    It sounds like you're really looking to earn extra cash, and there are so many ways to do that, mostly with a true home based business.  I have 3 of them and am constantly building new streams of income, learning as I go.  You have to step out of your comfort zone a little to earn extra income, but it is well worth it in the end.

  11. There are legitimate paid online survey sites, and you do can paid taking surveys. However, you don't have to pay anyone to do paid surveys. The site charge you $40 is not a paid survey site, they just give you a list of survey sites.

    I have done paid surveys for a while, and have been using the site which has FREE lists of legit paid survey sites, reviews and ratings, and articles of guide and advice/tips etc.

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