
Does anyone know if the Acai Berry Pills REALLY work for weight loss?

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I have read a few different things about this and everyone is saying how great it is for just about everything. However, I know how "great" things can sound when they are trying to be sold, so I was just wondering if anyone (not interested in making a sale) has tried this. If so what were the results? Honestly, is it worth the money?




  1. Please trust me when I say you don't need a weight loss pill to lose weight. Nobody does. If they are so effective why then are there new one constantly coming out into the market.

    Pretty easy to answer that one, "they don't work".

    Each pill has there own set of side effects and hidden dangers and all have the potential to cause harm. Why would you take the risk when you can lose weight by simply eating well and exercising.

    There is no magic secret to weight loss. It is all about hard work, commitment, goal setting and desire. If you want to lose weight you can and you will.

    This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

    Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

  2. don't try any pills!if you want a good body

    Yoga for Weight Loss

  3. Hey..  I was really unsure as well but a friend of mine kept telling me that it was worth it so and then I actually found a free trial at which I ordered a little while ago.  Anyway, it came pretty quickly and I have been taking them and my energy and metabolism has increased SO much!  I can really feel it!  I think if you combine the Acai stuff with some exercise and a reasonable diet it is a sure winner!

  4. No, they don't.  

    Nothing will help you lose weight but changing the way you eat and getting some exercise.

    Everyone wants a quick fix when it comes to weight loss but none of the fast ways work.  Queen Latiffa can say what she wants about Jenny Craig but are you going to eat that way for the rest of your life?  Not.

    If you don't exercise, there will be flab that no longer covers the fat.  Where will it go?  You will contemplate surgery but most insurance companies will not pay for cosmetic surgery.

    No one realizes that it took days, weeks, and months for that fat to generate.  It is going to take as long to remove it.

    The best program I know of is Weight Watchers.  They teach you how to eat sensibly based on good nutrition.  No, I am not a lecturer nor am I a member.  I was once and ate tons of food trying to meet the requirements.  And my skin contracted as I lost pounds.

  5. Hi,

        I went to the Acai Berry website and I found one that gives you a five day trial for free shipping and handling it was 4.67 when I went to leave the site it says get another bottle for 1.87 so I used two different e-mails and I have 4 weeks worth.  I have been on them for three days and I do notice an energy boost and also it has supressed my appetite. I will let you know in a couple of weeks.   There are so many diet pills,juices etc.  I was just surfing the web at work and found this.  

    The supplement Facts are

    vitamin B6   6mg

    vitamin B12 36mg

    organic Acai 200mg

    Green Tea Leaf extract 200mg

    (95% polyphenois 70% catechins 40% EGCG

    (whatever that is)

    Ginger root 200mg

    Rhubarb Root 200mg\

    I guess it is not ;100% Pure Acai Berry, I do not know if it suppose to

    contain anything else but acai berry.

    But I will still try it.


  6. The following "acai diet pills" sites are suspect for collecting personal information:

    According to their own Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, (see below)  they intend to use customers information such as their credit cards, birthdates, salary, etc for other reasons.  This the real way they make money, not from the actual products they sell.

    They will make a few bucks from customers by charging $81 ten days after their "free trial", but I am sure most people will cancel their orders when they find out they won't lose the promised "50 pounds".  But it will take about months for people to lose weight, and by that time they will have spent $160 in 2 months.  It's a perfect scam.

    Unfortunately, it hurts all the legitimate acai companies that sell acai juice as an energy and natural health drink (not as a diet supplement).

    I tried calling the toll-free number on the websites, but only gets a company name like "Utah Support Services" which doesn't exist in phone directories or on google.

    Here is one of their terms of service policies stating that they do resell the info they acquire on the internet :

    1.2 Third Party List Information.

    Extreme Acai Berry collects information from individuals when an individual provides information to a third party and Extreme Acai Berry subsequently purchases, licenses, or otherwise acquires the information from the third party (the "Seller"). Such purchased information may include, but is not limited to, an individual's name, email address, street address, zip code, telephone numbers (including cell phone numbers and carriers), birth date, gender, salary range, credit card information, education and marital status, occupation, industry of employment, personal and online interests, and such other information as the individual may have provided to the Seller (together, "Third Party List Information"). When acquiring Third Party List Information, Extreme Acai Berry seeks assurances from the Seller that the Seller has a right to transfer the Third Party List Information to Extreme Acai Berry and that the Seller has a right to provide offers from advertisers to the individuals whose personal information is included on the Seller's list.

  7. Acai Berry wasnt FDA approved tho the fat that these herbal pills arent meant to diagnose or treat disease.

    Proactol - is the only FDA and doctor recommended Weight Loss Honest Pill that binds fat to 26% (the threshold for save fat intake and yet not excessively). This is worked out and proven by doctors.

    It had worked wonders on me and you can see result in 3 to 4 weeks.

    Read more here

    ot get review of top 4 rated product here

  8. I'm not sure but I just ordered the 14 day trial... I need to loose 20 in exactly 1 month.

    Have you tried it yet I took one yesterday and for lunch im gonna take 2.

  9. Does Acai REALLY work for weight loss? The simple answer is yes. The complex answer is that acai will help you lose weight faster as long as you are eating right and exercising a bit. Let me explain...

    First let me say that acai berries have far more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even more than blueberries! Besides that, the nutrients in acai berry supplements help many other diseases and maladies, from diabetes to arthritis to blood clotting. It really is a worthwhile supplement to add to your daily nutrition.

    As far as the acai berry assisting with fat loss, acai can be a great weight loss aid. The berry’s natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat more efficiently, process food more quickly and shed the unwanted pounds that you’d like to lose.

    The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to fat loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Phytosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.

    I wouldn't say that acai berries are the magic weight loss pill, but I would say that acai could be an important ingredient in your vitamin / supplement / weight loss arsenal. You should also exercise at least 3 times a week and stay away from junk food. Good luck!

    What I recommend is to get a free trial of Extreme Acai, which you can get at the source link below. Then you should follow some of the other links on that site to find a sensible diet and a moderate exercise plan. Try to eat fewer carbs at night, and fewer calories over all if you think you can't lose weight. Exercise at least 3 days a week. Give it 1 month and you should be able to lose 5-10 lbs easy.

    So far using acai is working for me by helping my digestion, curbing my appetite, and by giving me more energy each day... I don't even get sleepy around 3pm anymore. I'm going to keep using acai until a better antioxidant / weight loss supplement hits the market, if ever.

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