
Does anyone know if the Marine corps is meeting its recruitment quota?

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just wondering




  1. Because of Iraq, all services have failed to meet their recruiting numbers, especially the Corps.

  2. From what I have heard. No.

  3. Under the Clinton administration every branch but the Marine Corps missed its recruiting quotas, yet not a peep from national media or liberals in general.

  4. In London? I didn't know England had a Marine corp, only a

    few good men though. The most important one is in the Army.

  5. As a matter of fact, I just read some where that for the first time in YEARS, they are not.  Neither are any of the other branches....kinda hard to recruit people who know they are going to go to Iraq and possibly be killed for a senseless war.  But the enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses are getting bigger and better......

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