
Does anyone know if the justice league movie is still coming out if yes ne idea what year?

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Does anyone know if the justice league movie is still coming out if yes ne idea what year?




  1. This is from a wikipedia article on the on-again off-again movie: "On August 22 (2008), however, The Wall Street Journal reported, Warner's new plan is to release four individual solo movies within the next three years first, before doing a multiple character movie, much like rival Marvel does with their "Avengers" film. Warner Bros. Pictures group president Jeff Robinov confirmed that one of those films will be a Superman reboot..."

    The Internet Movie Database page on the film still has a release date of 2011 for "Justice League: Mortal" (the apparent working title) and FAQs on the film said the film should be considered cancelled until such time as their is an announcement to the contraty. Significantly, that page has not been updated in three months, so does not mention the announcement of August 22nt (last Friday).

    In other words, if Warner Brothers does announce that a new Superman film is being made, followed by an announcement that either another Batman film is being made or two other films which feature members of the Justice League, who have yet to appear in a live action movie, are being made, the odds of a Justice League movie appearing sometime after 2011 or perhaps at the very end of that year are significantly improved.

    The on-again off-again Justice League movie has been announced, then suspended because of a writers strike, reannounced after the writers strike was settled, then "tabled" when Frank Miller started another project, and has been announced again, but as we've already seen, there are many slips between the cup and the lip.

    I'll believe there will be a Justice League movie when I read that the film is in post-production and not before.

    The link below has the bare bones of the proposed film's checkered past.

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