
Does anyone know if there are any events going on in the month of MAy in Dublin, Ireland?

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Does anyone know if there are any events going on in the month of MAy in Dublin, Ireland?




  1. No and I don't really care what's going on.

  2. No, the City of Dublin will be completely shut down in May.  Nothing happening at all.   Seriously, here's a tourism site for the city.   It lists events, although I don't know if it will have anything six months ahead of time.

  3. There are so many different attractions to see in Dublin that it really doesn't matter what month of the year that you go.  As far as events, I'm not sure.  The city is old.  There's endless spots to see.  Mueseums, and other buildings that are absolutely wonderful.  I know this sounds crazy, but go to a bookstore and buy the book "Ireland for Dummies".  My sister bought it for me before I went to Ireland this past fall.  It is full of useful information, websites, and phone numbers.  I walked all over Dublin for a week, never got bored, and never saw the same thing twice.  I just knew that I couldn't wait to come back again.

  4. yes email me

  5. Dublin g*y Theatre Festival

    7 - 20 May 2007 (annual)

    Dublin -

    The Dublin g*y Theatre Festival presents performances at major theatres around the city. The programme includes full-length dramas and comedies along with theatre shorts, play readings

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