
Does anyone know if there is a animal shelter that gives away dogs?? Instead of charging hundreds of dollars?

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Does anyone know if there is a animal shelter that gives away dogs?? Instead of charging hundreds of dollars?




  1. If $25 - $150 is too much for you to pay to adopt an animal, then you really don't have the money to own an animal in the first place, unfortunately. Pets are expensive - the initial adoption fee is small potatoes compared to what you'll be facing next (years of vet fees, food, treats, toys, crates, pet sitters, replacement furniture etc.) The adoption fee helps pay for the cost of caring for the animal until it is adopted, as well as shots and spaying/neutering if needed. This fee that the animal shelters charge only helps, but does not nearly completely cover all of the expenses incurred. If you were to go out and buy an animal from a for-profit place of some kind, you would end up paying a lot more.

  2. search on the net for breed rescues.  But be prepared to be asked dozens of questions and have a home visit from people who really care about putting dogs they have fostered in good homes.

    There's even some breeders who will "give" dogs they can't breed away for the cost of the innoculations (which is about $50).  

  3. Nope - shelters charge the amount they do to cover the expenses the dog drew while in their care. If they didn't, they wouldn't be able to take in more dogs.

    If you're looking for free you're looking for the wrong pet. The initial cost of the dog is not the last of the money you'll be spending. You would still have to buy the initial supplies and first vet check, which might be in the $400 range. Then you have monthly fees to take care of - food, flea/tick prevention, heart worm prevention, etc. And the occasional fees - grooming, training, shots, emergency care, etc.

  4. There are a few that charge no adoption fee but they also do absolutely no medical care and offer no guarantee on the health of the dog.  What you are paying for with an adoption fee is the care of the dog including spay/neuter, vaccines , heartworm test and a bit to cover the overhead of running the shelter.  The cost varies depending on how much of the care is subsidized by the county/city, if the  have an onsite vet or a vet that gives them a break on care, if they are a non-profit etc.  That is why you will generally end up paying more for a dog from a private rescue verses a county/city run shelter.   Still what you pay for the dog is generally far less than you would pay do do all the treatment it needs yourself, and the cost of the adoption fee is the least of the costs.   If you can't afford the adoption fee then you defiantly can't afford to properly  care for the dog  

  5. Um.... most shelter adoption fees are cheap.  I've even heard of some at $25.

    We have a $95 adoption fee and compared to what you're getting that's cheap.  You're getting a healthy dog that is up to date on all vet care.  It's had wormers, shots, heartguard, etc.  You're getting a license for the county, plus a spay or neuter.  If you got your dog free then paid for all that care, it'd be a lot more than $95.

    Remember, shelters have to have  way to run.  Even with our adoption fee, that doesn't cover all our expenses.  We still rely on donations of money, dog food, time, supplies, etc...

    ETA:  I also forgot that the cost covers the room/board and food for the dog as well while it's in the shelter.

  6. Most shelters will charge you an adoption fee. Here in Canada some pounds charge a very, very minimal fee. Not like the ridcolous amounts the SPCA asks. The SPCA is reasonable for a dog but definitly not for a cat. Who want to pay over $100 for an older cat when they can get a kitten for free?

    Anyway, If you are looking for a free puppy there are tonnes of them on reserves and in small towns. Here in Canada at least but I would think most places would be the same. It may mean paying for gas but at least you get a little trip out of it. But geez, there are small breed, purebred and mixed breeds all for free in my small town. And most reserves you can just come on and ask for a puppy and you wil have 20 or more to choose from at almost any time of year. And don't just assume that the reserve dogs are all complte mutts because there are often purebred rotties, pitbulls, labs ect.  

  7. No shelters charge you money for the care for the dog. The money covers spaying/neutering, deworming, shots, microchip, health checks, heartworm test, ect. If you can't afford an adoption fee then you can't afford a dog.

    There is no such thing as a free dog.

  8. gives dogs away ??? no.  Pay a minimal fee  ?? yes!  I am not aware of shelerts that charge HUNDREDS of dollars for adopt a dog.

  9. Uh, no.  

  10. your paying money to help the shelter, why are you against that?

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