
Does anyone know if there is a patch for sims 2 that makes all you adult content invisible ?

by  |  earlier

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i have adult content on my sims and i dont want anyone else you is playin the game to see it or use it..does anyone now any patches or cheats for that?




  1. Do you mean when  they woohoo? You can't prevent children from making their sims woohoo. If that is what you mean. No, there is no patch for that. That is why they have the label on the case that shows a rating so you can see if you want your children to play the game. The rating for The Sims is T for Teen which means children should not play unless their parents feel comfortable with it. I am not sure if you are referring to children or not though. There are no patches or cheats that will enable you to prevent other people from seeing your adult content on your Sims game. I would just hide the CD. You can't play without the CD.

  2. Okay I know exactly what you mean....What you should do is keep all your adult content in a separate sub-folder within your downloads folder. Then when you have finished playing remove the folder and hide it somewhere. Then put it back when you want to play again. That's the only workaround that I can think of.

  3. What the heck kind of adult content could you possibly have on the Sims 2???  Are you refering to the cheat where you can see them naked??  Be more specific as to what you need blocked.

  4. sims is rated T for teen

    If you don't want other people to see it...then it sounds like you shouldn't be playing it

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